An uncertain number of workers have been let go by the company.

"More layoffs" has become the unofficial slogan of the video game industry, as the now nearly two-year long stretch of personnel cuts continues unabated. Following Ubisoft's layoff of 200 workers, now Unity has allegedly shed its own chunk of staff in a new round of "organizational changes." CRO Matthew Bromberg had this to say in an email supposedly sent to Unity workers:

People whose roles are being eliminated or those entering an employment consultation period will be notified over the course of the next couple of days, with instructions on next steps. We expect all notifications to be completed by EOD on Feb 12.
Unity has had a very rough go of things in recent times. First was the disastrous runtime fee debacle that did immeasurable damage to Unity's reputation among developers, followed by a layoff of 1,800 workers back in January of 2024. Now, a year later, it seems that more workers are being cut loose.
When will the bleeding in the game industry stop? We'll continue to report and let you know, but hopefully sooner, rather than later.